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Do you need to complete a permit acquittal?

If you have been issued with a wildlife trade permit, shipments authorised under this permit need to be acquitted. Completing the acquittal is a condition of your permit, and provides the Department with accurate and up-to-date wildlife trade data. This data is then used for reporting purposes.

Completing your acquittal

To acquit a shipment, you will require a copy of your permit, details from the shipment, and as relevant, your Specimen Export Record or overseas permits. Acquittals should be completed within two weeks of the shipment occurring. If the shipment has/will not occur, this also needs to be acquitted to the Department, within two weeks of the permit expiring.

Your email address will need to be linked to the permit you are acquitting for you to have authorisation to acquit the permit. If you are experiencing difficulty accessing your permit acquittal, we recommend you contact the person who submitted the application to ensure you have been given authorisation to acquit.

For more information contact:


The collection, access, storage, use and disclosure of personal information provided in your application are governed by the Privacy Act 1988.

Information you provide may be exchanged with other Commonwealth and State agencies for the purposes of administering the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and relevant state/territory or Commonwealth legislation.

You will need your permit details to complete this acquittal process.

Acquit a permitRegister